Gin Tonic

The Spanish version of a Gin & Tonic, is lighter, has more aromatics, herbs, and fun bits in it, and is perfect alongside some tapas any evening.

They should be served in a goblet wine glass (or in my case an outdoor plastic stemless wineglass!) filled with ice and spiked with lots of aromatics. And you read the title correctly, they are referred to simply as a Gin Tonic.

GIn Tonic and Tapas

Gin Tonic

From Fox & Briar

2 oz gin
4- 5 oz high-quality tonic water
slice of lime

 Aromatics of your choice, I recommend 2-3
citrus peel or slices (orange or lemon)
cucumber slices
fresh herbs such as rosemary, mint, or basil
dried peppercorns or juniper berries

1. Fill a balloon glass with ice.
2. Add whatever aromatics you are using.
3. Pour in gin, top with tonic water and stir gently.