Kärntner Kasnudeln (Carinthian Cheese Dumplings)


These are Kärntner Kasnudlen, also known as Carinthian Cheese Dumpling or Cheese Noodles. They are similar to a ravioli with an herb and cheese filling. The dough is not quite a pasta dough, and the filling is actually mostly potato along with a creamy cheese like quark, farmers cheese, or even cream cheese.

This is one of those recipes that I am on the fence about. I want to share it because, well, i made it, and because it is interesting. But, I don’t necessarily want to share the recipe because I don't feel like it quite worked out and I don’t know if that was chef error, or recipe error, or maybe I don’t care as much for Carinthian Cheese Dumplings/Noodles as I thought I might. Hah. Whatever the reason. I will share with you my experience, link to the recipe I used, and share with you a recipe I found that sounds like it might fix some of the pitfalls I faced. If I get inspired I will try the additional recipe and report back! If you make it, let me know!

The recipe I tried was from ‘Strudel & Schnitzel’ (love that name for an Austrian food blog!): Karntner Kasnudeln

There were a few things I raised my eyebrows at but just kept goin’… For starters, the filling includes both potatoes and bread, other recipes omit the bread. I don’t feel like it needs the extra filler, there was too much of the total filling at the end anyway and I don’t think it added to the texture or flavor in a positive way. The amount of quark it calls for is… a lot. It was quite moist and again, just too much filling. The dumplings are created by stacking a round of rolled-out dough on top of another and crimping the edges making for a very thick dumpling which took quite a long time to cook and still came out a bit chewy. Perhaps they need to be rolled out a bit thinner before being cut and formed. Who knows! The measure says the thickness of the back of a knife. Standard measurement the world round ;)

This other recipe I found later from ‘My German Table’ created dumplings with a single wrapper, which I think would make them less stodgy, and makes a filling that sounds more texturally solid as well as flavorsome: Carinthian Cheese Noodles

All in all, it is a potato and cheese-filled dumpling with sauteed onions and herbs, and is doused in melted butter. Very little to actually complain about. I always enjoy trying something new, even if it doesn’t turn out perfectly. I hope you try a version of them and please, share your experience too!


We served it with Viennese Cucumber Salad. Which I would totally make again. Any day.
