Nigella Seed Cheese and Crackers

I always assumed making any kind of cheese would be a difficult process, but a simple farmer’s cheese like this one is just a matter of patience (and not even a whole lot of that). While you are waiting for the cheese to drain and become beautifully creamy and a bit solid, you can make these aromatic crackers to eat with it!

I made these as a part of a little feast for Abu Dhabi, with a few other recipes from the beautiful Arabesque Table cookbook from Reem Kassis which I highly recommend for modern Middle Eastern recipes.

Abu Dhabi cheese and crackers

White Cheese with Nigella Seeds

Makes about 10 ounces

2 quarts whole milk 
½ cup (4 oz/120 ml) heavy cream
4 tablespoons distilled vinegar
2 teaspoons nigella seeds
1 teaspoon salt

  1. Line a large sieve with a muslin cloth or several layers of cheescloth and set aside in a sink.

  2. Pour the milk and cream into a large pot and set over medium heat. Bring to a bare simmer, stirring periodically to make sure it doesn’t scald. It will be done when it is foamy on top, about 15 minutes. 

  3. Add the 4 tablespoons vinegar, stirring occasionally, until you see the milk curdle and the clear yellowish whey separate from the curds. If after a few minutes it does not separate, add more vinegar and stir until it does. 

  4. Carefully pour the mixture into the lined sieve, letting the why drain into the sink. Once most of liquid has drained sprinkle the curds with the nigella seeds and stir to combine. 

  5. Shape into a round disc and cover tightly with the cheesecloth. Set the sieve over a bowl and allow to continue draining. Place a plate that fits snugly into the sieve above the wrapped curds, pressing down firmly. Allow to drain at room temperature until cool, then transfer to the fridge and continue to drain for 4-6 hours until solid and holding shape. When ready, remove the cheese from the cloth and transfer to an airtight container. Fresh cheese will last 3-5 days in the fridge. 

From The Arabesque Table: Contemporary Recipes from the Arab World by Reem Kassis

Ka’ak Crackers with Za’atar and Nigella Seeds

Generous 1 ½ cups (7oz/ 200g) all-purpose flour
Scant ½ cup (2 oz/ 50g) whole wheat flour
2 tablespoons za’atar blend
1 tablespoon nigella seeds
1 tablespoon unhulled sesame seeds
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
3 ½ tablespoons (2oz/50g) olive oil
3 ½ tablespoons (2oz/50g) vegetable oil
¼-½ cup water

  1. In a large bowl, combine both flours, the za’atar blend, both seeds, the salt, and baking powder and mix well. Add both oils and mix with your hands until the mixture resembles wet sand. Add ¼ cup water and knead until the dough comes together. Gradually add more water until you have a pliable dough. Set aside to rest for 15-20 minutes. 

  2. Preheat the oven to 350°F. 

  3. Place the dough on a sheet of parchment or baking mat and roll into a large rectangle roughly ⅛ inch (3mm) thick. 

  4. Transfer the dough and the parchment paper/baking mat to a baking sheet. Use a knife or pizza cutter to cut the dough into small triangle, square or diamond shapes. 

  5. Transfer to the oven and bake until the crackers are a light golden brown, 30-40 minutes. Timing may vary depending on size and thickness, so start after  25 minutes and allow to cook longer ig you prefer them darker. Remove from the oven and let cool for about 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. 

    The crackers can be stored for up to 3 weeks. 

From The Arabesque Table: Contemporary Recipes from the Arab World by Reem Kassis